Friday, February 15, 2013

A Mother of One...

As the days get closer to having Avery I keep thinking to myself that I will no longer be a mother to just one child. With that thought comes many fears...
Fears of being able to handle a toddler and an infant.
A fear of attempting to breast feed again and this time adding a two year old to the equation.
I have a big fear of when am I going to sleep.
However the biggest fear I have is how well is Tae going to adjust to not being an only child anymore. Right now every single minute is devoted to Tae. He is my life right now and in just 63 short days he and Avery will be my life. I honestly don't know how he is going to handle the transition.
I look back on the past two years, well almost two, and think to myself if I spent enough time with him. I am a stay at home mom but with that comes many other responsibilities some which don't involve playing and interacting with your child. I want Tae to grow older and think WOW I had the greatest childhood. I know he won't remember the days that it was just us two, well three including Michael, but I will remember these days and I will tell him stories. 
Bringing Avery home will be one of the best days of my life but also one of the scariest days because I will no longer be the mother of just one, I will be the mother of two and my fears will be put into action. I hope I can hold up and I hope Tae can transition as easily as possible. 
So for the next 63 days, give or take a few, I am going to devote my time to making sure Tae gets all the mommy time he can. I am going to put away the computer when he is awake and turn off the T.V. when he isn't watching it and it will be just me and my TaeBug!

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