Well six months has came and went!
Little Avery Nathaniel has reached is half birthday! He is officially 1/2 years old!!
My baby is getting so big and doing so many new things. I swear I wake up on a daily basis and he is doing something new.
Right now he can sit up on his own, I don't have to worry about propping pillows behind him anymore. Just plop him on the floor and give him some toys to play with.
He is drooling like CRAZY, like literally soaks 2 bibs a day, and I'm not sure if it's because he is teething or if he is like his brother and just drools a lot.
When I do lay him down on his back he likes to roll from his back to his front and back to his back over and over again. It gets him where he needs to go, or sometimes gets him in places he didn't want to go. I'm pretty sure he will be crawling soon, when he lays on his tummy he likes to bend his legs up to his tummy! It's getting close.
He is wearing size 6-9 month or 9-12 month clothes! I can't help but buy him new clothes every time I go to the store, even though he has Tae's old clothes! However the clothes story is a whole different post. Makes me sad getting rid of them.
This kid also hardly ever cries. He is seriously such a good baby!
Sadly, he still isn't sleeping through the night. There was a time that he went to bed at 8 and slept until 5 then back to sleep until 730 but that ended quickly. We are still waking up 2 times a night :( no fun. However, on a positive note he is getting so much better at napping. 2 naps a day is what we are at AND I have him and Tae napping on the same schedule. Woot Woot! (That means nap time for mommy)
Avery loves playing with Tae and to my surprise Tae loves playing with Avery. Tae will bring Avery toys, including his cars, and sit there and play with him. It is so cute. I really hope my boys grow up to be best friends.
My sweet 1/2 year old. I love you Avery! You are my baby and forever will be my sweet AvyBaby! Can't wait to see you grow for the next half of your first year and the rest of your life!
I must also add that yesterday Tae turned 2 1/2 which means he is now closer to 3 :(. My baby is growing up and it makes me sad/happy/sad.
Right now he likes to eat like the cookies monster, meaning hardly any food goes into his mouth and all of his food goes on my floor!
He loves Buzz and Woody (Toy Story).
He remembers stuff now and it baffles me what he remembers. For instance, a few months ago he had this tiny red tracker, where it went I have no idea, and the other day he cried and cried because I had no idea where that red tractor was. I'm sure he lost it at the park or somewhere. He searched every where for it.
He constantly asks to go to the park, on an hourly basis even if we just came home from the park he wants to go back. Finally he isn't scared of the slides and will go up and down them 100 times!
Pretty much knows all of his colors and most of his shapes. Seriously the other day he pointed out an octagon to me, I was amazed. Sesame Street really does teach kids things because I know me nor Michael taught him that.
Finally, Tae loves and I mean LOVES to dance. I play music for most of the day and he will just hang out in the living room dancing!
This kid makes me laugh on a daily basis. He is the light of my life! I get frustrated with him at times but who can stay mad at a face like his for too long. We love him to death and are so grateful that he came into our lives!
TaeBug you were the best surprise ever and a gift from God. We are so thankful for you and love you with our whole hearts.
P.S. Planning 2 birthday parties is already giving me anxiety! The next 6 months will be interesting :)