Today was day 1 of potty training Tae and I have to say it was way easier then I thought it was going to be. So far he has only has ONE accident and has gone a total of FOUR times already! This morning he kept telling me he wanted a cookie so I told him if he went in the potty he can have a cookie and there he went sitting on the potty and went!! Gosh darn I had to drive to the store to buy him cookies!
I made him a potty chart that he can put stickers on if he goes potty and that is his favorite part! He gets 1 sticker for peepee and 2 stickers for poopoo, which he hasn't done yet.
I'm just a little curious to see how potty training goes this weekend when we have to travel to Phoenix for the circus! Michael says we will take the potty and stop every 30 minutes on the side of the road for him to go. Haha I cannot wait to see how that goes.
He has an ELMO book that he reads while sitting on the potty!
And he likes to color while sitting there! Whatever gets him to go!!
I am so PROUD of you Tae William! You are getting to be such a big boy!!